2017 Movie The Mummy
Russell Crowe Play In The 2017 Movie The Mummy
By now you’ve probably read a number of scathing reviews of “The Mummy,” Universal’s inaugural entry in a possibly grievously ill-advised “Dark Universe” franchise, wherein the legendary studio intends to reboot its most Famous Monsters of Filmland. Perhaps I’m becoming jaded in my old age, but I was more amused than appalled. Don’t get me wrong. Free psp roms for pc download. Autodesk 2019 keygen x force. “The Mummy,” directed (if that’s what you want to call it; I honestly think the better term here is “ostensibly overseen on behalf of the studio executives”) by from a script by,, and, has plenty to get irritated about. I got sand in my synapses during an early scene in which, as a looter named Nick Morton (oh, “Mort,” I get it now), and his sidekick, played by, casually slaughter a bunch of “Iraqi insurgents” trying to track down a mysterious treasure. Oh, sure, filmmakers, by all means use a tragic and unnecessary war that’s still yielding horrific consequences for the world as the backdrop for your stupid horror movie plot machinations, no problem here.