S In Different Languages
Languages came into existence when Homo sapiens started coordinating with one another. Eventually, the use of language became an important part of human culture. It was not only used to communicate and share information, but it also had many social and cultural uses. It came to be used for identifying a group, social grooming, entertainment, etc., among other things. As time passed, many languages evolved and diversified, when people started traveling from one part of the world to another. Mori digital museum tokyo. When one has to look at the list of languages spoken in the world today, most of the languages belong to the same family. This language family is known as the 'Indo-European' family.
The languages that are a part of this family are languages like English, Spanish, Hindi, etc. Another language family which also has a number of people speaking them is the 'Sino-Tibetan' language family. The languages that are a part of this family are Chinese, Cantonese, etc. The next family is the 'Semitic' languages family, of which, a famous language is Arabic. The 'Bantu' language family comprises the different languages spoken in Africa, like Swahili, etc.
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S In Different Languages
Pine S In Different Languages
Jump to phrases. How to say please or the equivalent in many different languages. Key to abbreviations: inf = informal, frm = formal, sg = said to one person, pl = said to more than one person. Click on any of the phrases that are links to hear them spoken. If you can provide recordings, corrections or additional translations, please contact me. Census Bureau released a set of new tables today detailing hundreds of languages that U.S. Residents speak at home. American Community Survey data on languages spoken at home were previously available for only 39 languages.